Edgmond Clypping Service

Where: Edgmond, Shropshire at St Peters Church on the High Street
When: Sunday near 29th June
Time: 3pm


Church Clipping (sometimes spelled “Clypping”) events are ancient ceremonies where the congregation encircle their church, with origins a little uncertain but probably in luck-bringing for the year ahead; the name comes from an old word meaning “to embrace”. At Edgmond their claim is to have the longest running event of this kind as the custom has been an annual occurrence  since 1867 – other revivals are from more recent years (the similar Painswick event was another Victorian revival from 1897). It takes place each year on the Sunday following the patronal festival of  St Peters Day, when the church is surrounded by hand-clasped parishioners towards the end of the afternoon service. A blessing follows at the porch, then all are invited back into the church for refreshments (as a cake connoisseur, I’d recommend the lemon cake which was absolutely delicious when I visited in 2019).

Helpful Hints

St Peters Day is 29th of June so the festival takes place in late June or early July – if 29th June is a Sunday that’s when the event is held otherwise it’s usually the first Sunday following 29th.

In 2024 it should be on Sunday 30th June.

It’s a historic church with lost of interesting features including fine brasses – well worth a look around.

Many thanks to the parishioners for their warm welcome – especially Churchwarden Anne Furniss!

Click here for church contacts: https://www.achurchnearyou.com/church/4268/service-and-events/events-all/

Click here for the church website : http://www.stpeterschurchedgmond.org/festivals_3.html

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