Where: | Whitby, North Yorkshire - various locations in town |
When: | Late weekend in March or April |
Time: | All weekend |
Goths from all over the UK and beyond flock to Whitby every year for the Goth Weekends celebrating their music and culture, and the popular events have been held now for thirty years. Concerts are held over a three day period as well as a variety of events including talks and competitions, and two large Bizarre Bazaar indoor markets with a variety of merchandise including clothing, millinery, jewellery and appropriately themed household accessories. Black Whitby Jet ice-cream is widely available around the town, created especially for the event.The weekends take place over two weekends, in spring and autumn. With its Dracula associations and atmospheric ruined Abbey, Whitby is the ideal venue for the festival!

Helpful Hints
Wear black!!
Calendarcustoms isn’t the website belonging to the event – follow the link below.
The 2025 dates are Friday 25th – Sunday 27th April and Friday 1st to Sunday 3rd November-see website link below for full details and schedules and that is where the dates and details will appear first.
When we visited all the car parks including that at the Park and Ride were full to capacity by lunchtime.
The Whitby Museum had 30th Anniversary of the festival displays in 2024, and they also have the only surviving Hand of Glory on display (the latter is there all year, not just for the festival).
Remember that a festival like this takes a great deal of organisation and negotiation with all the acts and venues to book, particularly for the spring event when Easter moves date from year to year, so the festival dates may not be fixed as far in advance as visitors wish or expect!
Click here for the festival website :http://www.whitbygothweekend.co.uk/
and here to email : info@whitbygothweekend.co.uk
The most up to date ‘hot off the press’ info can be found on the official Facebook page for the event:
Photo with parasol by JAHG2010.
Is the Whitby weekend in March 2012 for definate?
Hi Sonia! I’ve been in touch with the organisers and the dates won’t be firmed up until October – looks as though it’ll definitely be going ahead, though. Hope that helps!
Hi Avril! Thankyou for getting back to me. Its reasured me as i needed to ask because im taking my mum and dad with me next year as my mum needs a good holiday as she’s just been diagnosed with cancer and she’s never been to Whitby before, and would love to see all the goths dressed up. I also need to book accomodation early so that were not struggling at the last minute to find somewhere.
Kind regards,
Sonia :0)
Hi Sonia! Ive just heard again from the Whitby Gothic Weekend team and it looks like the weekend might be in April rather than March so I wouldn’t get booked up for anything until the dates are confirmed. Sounds like you all need a good break so I hope you find somewhere nice to stay!
Kind Regards,
Hi Sonia
My partner and I do Whitby twice a year, we find it impossible to book in Whitby so we opted for Robin Hoods Bay, Victoria Hotel. Lovely place. You may not want to be outside Whitby but it’s a thought. We travel into Whitby by car, we make sure we go early just to get parked up. Never had any probs. Hope you find somewhere.
I know you are saying we are looking at march 2012, we run a guesthouse and have people trying to book, how sure are we that its going to be march !!
Dear Debbylou,
First of all I’d like to point out that I have absolutely nothing to do with the organisation of Whitby Gothic Weekend or indeed any of the other 400 events listed on my website – all I can do is pass on information I have been able to find out about them from the people who are connected . I recently contacted the event team to try and find out more but as yet the dates aren’t firmed up and it may well take place during April rather than March. I realise this doesn’t help with your bookings but until the organisers are certain when it will take place, no-one else can be certain either. I suggest you contact Jo Hampshire at info@whitbygothweekend.co.uk as she’s very helpful – however, I’m not expecting them to announce the dates until about October this year so I guess we’ll just have to wait and see!
Any idea when the Spring 2014 Goth weekend might be fixed? Just wanting to be ahead of the game to book accommodation!
Many thanks.
Hi Rachel,
I don’t think the date has yet been announced for the spring weekend (think they’re focused on the November one for now) but try emailing info@whitbygothweekend.co.uk then they’ll be able to let you know as soon as the date is set.
Best Wishes,
I wondered if you could publish the following info to stop me getting a hundred phone calls a day J
Whitby Goth Weekend 2014 Dates
25th-27th April 2014
Weekend of 31st October 2014. This our 20th anniversary event and maybe a 3 or 4 night event.
Contact Info
Email : info@whitbygothweekend.co.uk
Website: http://www.whitbygothweekend.co.uk
The most up to date ‘hot off the press’ info can be found out our official Facebook
Many thanks
Jo Hampshire
Hi Jo,
Thanks for the updates – all now on calendarcustoms as requested. I get lots of inquiries about this event as I think visitors are anxious to get their accomodation booked well in advance, so it might be a good idea to send me dates when you set them and it’ll save lots of replies!
Best Wishes,
can you e-mail me the dats for the october Goth weekend please
Hi Alan,
It’s on 30th October to 1st November this year so Hallowe’en is included! You can check out the latest updates on the event’s own Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/whitbygothweekend
Hi Do you know the April 2016 dates just yet?
Hi Kim,
I’ve just checked on their Facebook page and the spring dates haven’t been announced yet. That’s the first place the dates are posted so keep checking https://www.facebook.com/whitbygothweekend and they’ll appear there as soon as the dates are fixed 🙂
Best wishes,
Do you know the dates for the 2016 Whitby Goth, will it be last weekend in October or 1st weekend in November?
Hi Karen,
I haven’t got the dates for Autumn 2016 yet but if you email the event organisers at info@whitbygothweekend.co.uk or message them at https://www.facebook.com/whitbygothweekend , you’ll get all the latest updates.
Best wishes,
What date in october is the whitby goth weekend
I haven’t got the dates for Autumn 2016 yet but if you email the event organisers at info@whitbygothweekend.co.uk or message them at https://www.facebook.com/whitbygothweekend , you’ll get all the latest updates.Here at calendarcustoms we have no connection at all with the organisation of the event.
Hi, do you have dates for the Goth weekend in October 2016 please
Hi Liz,
I haven’t got the dates for Autumn 2016 yet but if you email the event organisers at info@whitbygothweekend.co.uk or message them at https://www.facebook.com/whitbygothweekend , you’ll get all the latest updates.Here at calendarcustoms we have no connection at all with the organisation of the event!
Best wishes,
All, I was speaking with Local shopkeepers at this years halloween WGW and apparently next year it going to be a weekend later so 4th & 5th November are the unofficial provisional dates. I believe its something to do with the Bram Stoker festival already booking the Spa for what has become the usual WGW spot over halloween.
So unofficially 3rd to 7th November covering the Thursday charity night at Raw and whichever venues you attend on the Sunday/Monday if you are still there.
Hope that’s of some use?
Please can you tell me what the March or April dates are for 2017 so I can book some where to stay,
Hi Maureen,
I don’t think they’ll announce the spring dates until the autumn event is over with – keep checking the event’s own website at http://www.whitbygothweekend.co.uk and their Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/whitbygothweekend for the latest news (here at calendarcustoms we have no connection to the organisation of the festival and therefore no insider knowledge!)
Best of luck as I know the accommodation fills quickly,
When will the dates be up for the goth weekend in October or November we have usually got somewhere booked by now but I can’t and there might not be anywhere vacant we have never waited this long before
Hi Amanda,
You’re through to calendarcustoms rather than the site which belongs to the Whitby Gothic Weekend and we have absolutely no connection whatsoever with the organisation of the weekends so sadly I can’t help you with the date! Follow the link to http://www.whitbygothweekend.co.uk and https://www.facebook.com/whitbygothweekend to get the latest info – but I just checked both and the date isn’t up yet so it mustn’t be fixed. I think they usually confirm the autumn dates once the spring weekend is over, and as that was very recent I expect an announcement will be made soon.
Best of luck with the B&Bs!
Is the bran stoker both weekend in November this year
Hi Dorothy,
Sorry I can’t help with this one! I think it’s a film festival but that’s all I know about it – hope you manage to find out.
Best wishes
Hi I’m.too waiting on dates to confirm with dates for booking off work…normally we no by now I will keep checking or if anyone finds out please let me no much appreciated..
Hi Amanda,
Keep checking the official pages for the event as you’ll get the news first from them – here at calendarcustoms I’ll be doing the same 🙂
what are the dates for october goth weekend 2017
27-29th October – if you watch the trailer at http://www.whitbygothweekend.co.uk/# and click the Tickets link all the prices and dates come up.
Hi Everyone
we went to Whitby this past weekend and witnessed Goth Weekend for the first time and we have to say it was amazing.
The costumes and makeup were beautiful.
Can you tell me in 2024 is the October/ November Goth Weekend going to be on the 1st 2nd and 3rd of November 2024 as we don’t want to miss it next year .
If you can give official dates for 2024 I would be truly grateful.
kind Regards Karen x
Hi Karen
Thanks for your message-but this isn’t the official site for the Goth weekend so we don’t have the dates for next year. If you follow the link under Helpful Hints on calendarcustoms you’ll get to the official website and Facebook links but I doubt if they’ll announce next years date until this year has been. Hope that helps!
Best wishes
Hi Karen
My first WGW was in 1997 and was on 31st October which was awesome and I only ever go the Halloween one.
As a rule it is always the nearest weekend to Halloween but when Halloween lands midweek that rule doesn’t always apply.
In 2013 Halloween was on Thursday and the WGW was Nov 1 -3 but in 2018 it was also on a Thursday but WGW was 25 – 27 October.
They usually announce the dates for the next one after the upcoming one has taken place so my advice would be to check the official website at https://www.whitbygothweekend.co.uk/ for updates.
Hope this helps.
hi please can you tell me the dates for 2024 goth weekend. Thanks.
Hi Lorraine,
The 2024 dates are Friday 26th – Sunday 28th April for the springtime Goth weekend. There is also a similar autumn weekend near Hallowe’en (27th-29th October in 2023) but the 2024 dates haven’t been announced yet by the organisers-see website link at https://www.whitbygothweekend.co.uk for full details and schedules and that is also where the details of the autumn 2024 weekend will appear first,
Best wishes,
Could you give me the October dates for the Whitby goths in 2024
Hi Tony,
The first place to check for the Whitby Goth dates is their own website at https://www.whitbygothweekend.co.uk – I expect they’ll announce the October 2024 dates soon, as it’s usually shortly after the current year’s event is over that they reveal the date for the following year. It’s also worth you looking at their Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/whitbygothweekend as there should be some photos from this year (might take a few days to appear as they’ll have lots of sorting out and recovering to do!)
Best wishes,