Frequent Customs

Some customs actually take place every day!

Daily from Michaelmas (29th September) to Shrove TuesdayBainbridge HornblowingArticle
DailyBerwick CurfewArticle
DailyLondon Buckingham Palace Changing the GuardArticle
Daily from 11th October to 21st MarchBurgh le Marsh CurfewArticle
DailyCanterbury CurfewArticle
Weekdays from Michaelmas (29th September) to Lady Day (25th March)Chertsey Curfew BellArticle
Daily except SundaysEdinburgh One O'Clock GunArticle
Daily Lincoln CurfewArticle
DailyLondon Lincoln's Inn CurfewArticle
Daily Morpeth CurfewArticle
DailyOxford CurfewArticle
Twice DailyPresteigne CurfewArticle
Twice DailyRichmond CurfewArticle
DailyRipon HornblowingArticle
Daily except Sundays and Christmas & Boxing Days (usually)Sandwich Curfew BellArticle
Daily for 3 weeks both before and after ChristmasScarcliffe CurfewArticle
DailyTower of London Ceremony of the KeysArticle
Daily (usually)Wallingford CurfewArticle
DailyWinchester Wayfarers' DoleArticle
Wednesdays and Saturdays from Easter to end of OctoberWalsingham PilgrimagesArticle
Monthly - 23rd of the MonthLondon: Southwark Crossbones VigilArticle