Where: | Glastonbury, Somerset: town centre, White Spring on Wellhouse Lane and the Abbey & Tor |
When: | 30th April/ May 1st and nearby weekend |
Time: | 8pm Assembly Rooms on 30th April & from 5.30 am at the Tor, 6.30 am at Chalice Well and noon (formerly 10 am) approx on May 1 at Market Cross; Sunday Dragons Procession fair from 10am, Procession 1.45, Finale 4pm |

The Beltane Celebrations at Glastonbury are a modern interpretation of the ancient Celtic pagan fertility rite of spring, and where better to celebrate such an event? There are different groups who organise different events around the date. This begins with celebrations on the night of 30th April into May 1st every year regardless of what day of the week the date falls upon: on April 30th there’s a Community Night event at the Assembly Rooms and on 1st May the sacred waters are blessed at the White Spring followed by the raising of a maypole at Bushey Combe with dancing and more music. A separate event is the Dragon Celebrations which usually take place on a weekend near May 1st (usually the early May Bank Holiday weekend). The Dragons procession starts with street performances, singing, dancing and music at the Market Cross, then moves along the High Street with Chinese dragons, green men and an array of costumed folk.
Helpful Hints
In 2025, the Community Celebrations event should be on Wednesday 30th April into Thursday 1st May and the Dragons event should be on Sunday 4th May.
There are plenty of opportunities in the town centre for eating (the George & Pilgrims on the High Street is an ancient and picturesque hostelry) and parking ( there’s a large car park behind the High Street). Floral garlands are available at a number of shops – lots of people participating in the festival wear these. Very friendly atmosphere – all ages are welcome. Check out the links for a full schedule for each event.
Click here for Glastonbury Dragons (who organise the Procession on the weekend near May 1st) with full timings and locations: https://www.facebook.com/GlastonburyDragons/?eid=ARDZBkQe9Du21ErYFAPw_uVVVuFYBcUG0Cyc53xvNBnfXFm0wwOmEpXNKx5-MsCPUNBGKgVHB0C_ojm5
Click here for the Community Celebrations event facebook page, who organise the events on 30th April and 1st May (same dates every year): https://www.facebook.com/groups/1849255562019819/
Hi there, please could you clarify something for me. It all seems very confusing this year! With some places saying ceremonies are taking place on the 1st and some saying the 6th and 7th. I know challice well gardens are opening up on the 1st. Please could you tell when when the sun rise ceremony on top of the tor is taking place? Also the opening of the druids pool and the Beltane fire which normally follows after sunrise.
Kind regards
Hi Jack,
It’s all a bit confusing isn’t it? I think it’s because the organisation has been split into different groups rather than having a central group doing it. I think the ceremony on the Tor will be at dawn on 1st but I haven’t got any confirmation for that yet – I’ll let you know if I hear back from my inquiries, fingers crossed.It’s the procession with the dragons that will be happening on the 6th I believe and you should be able to contact the organisers of that part at https://glastonburydragons.co.uk.
Hopefully I’ll get a reply soon & will let you know!
Best wishes,
Hi Jack and Averil
I’m so sorry for the confusion. There is a Community celebration for May Day which ALWAYS will happen on the 1st. This consists of the Green Men of Glastonbury, the Maypole, the Blessing at the White Spring, and the Ceremony on Bushy Coombe A couple of years ago it also coincided with the Glastonbury Road race which have a road closure in place. This was the first year the current Dragons appeared and it made the procession easier. However the road race date changes from year to year. Some wanted to follow that date, but others wanted to do the community celebration on May Day itself, as many people come from all over the world to join in the celebrations. So the split occurred and the Community Celebration takes place on the first, and the Glastonbury Dragons have a procession on the weekend nearest.
Please check out https://www.facebook.com/groups/1849255562019819
Thanks Andy that’s helpful!
Best wishes
Hi Averil
Outstanding! Thank you very much for getting back to me. We are very much looking forward to it. Azgoroth the goblin king will be attending this year and is very excited about it.
Kind regards,
Jack Bray yaaar
Hi Jack,
I’ll let you know when I have confirmation about the Fire etc but I haven’t yet had a reply – hope you and Azgoroth have a blast!
Hi Jack, I haven’t had a reply yet to the inquiry I made but I see that the Greenmen of Glastonbury are carrying their Maypole up Bushycombe at 11 am on May 1st, after cutting it on April 30th – details are at https://www.facebook.com/groups/110624469351633/events/
Best wishes,
Hi there. Can you tell me what date Beltane celebrations are on this year 2019?
Thanks. X
Hi there , it’s 5 & 6 May this year – it’s on the page but you have to scroll down a long way to see it under Helpful Hints. Enjoy – it’s a good day out!
Best wishes
The parade organised by the Dragons is on the Sunday 5th
Hi All
First Year attending for me and my children . Is there parking and sorry if I’ve missed it but what time does it all start on May 1st as like many I’m coming from afar .
Brightest Blessings ♡
Hi Cat,
I’ve just given my article a major tweak to make it less confusing so hope that helps!
As you probably already know there is more than one group organising events in Glastonbury around Beltane – however, if you’re planning to visit on 30th April/May1st you need to follow the links to the Community Beltane (May Day) Celebrations at https://www.facebook.com/groups/1849255562019819/ If you can arrive on 30th there is a Beltane night event at the Assembly Rooms at 8pm and then lots more going on from around 10 am at the Market Cross on 1st May (and I expect if you’re there on the 30th there’ll be plenty of activity going on overnight as I think lots of people like to see the dawn on May Day at the Tor, for example). There’s a big pay and display car park well signposted behind the High Street. If you can stay over the Bank Holiday weekend the Dragons Procession is on 5th this year (links on the webpage).
If you can, keep an eye on the Facebook pages as you’ll find lots of helpful information on there, and any changes that may happen quite close to the date. Hope you & the children have a lovely time!
Best wishes,
Hi all x this is my first year bringing my 8 & 10 yr old sons to a big beltaine celebration, and I am set on Glastonbury. What facilities are there for staying over, camping would be great fun and excellent to watch the sunrise but weather not withstanding are there bed and breakfast available?
Many thanks
Merry meet hopefully
There are lots of places to stay in and around Glastonbury – I don’t know about camping but have stayed at the George & Pilgrims on the High Street which is very handy and at the Travelodge on the outskirts and both were fine.
Hope you find somewhere good!
Try putting the question about camping on the Facebook links under Helpful Hints – I expect lots of people want to camp for Beltane and it should be easier to get booked as it’s getting quite close now and somebody on there will know!
Buenas tardes. Quiero ir al festival de Beltane, pero necesitaria saber las fechas exactas del 2020, porque es un confuso, aparece que el dia 30 de Abril y el 1 de Mayo. Pero en otras paginas sale que el primer fin de semana de Mayo. Si me pueden informar y explicar que fiestas hay relacionadas con rituales celtas. Muchas gracias
Hi Cynthia,
There are 2 groups that organise Beltane celebrations at Glastonbury. One group party all night from evening of April 30th into the morning of May 1st and the other group celebrate on the weekend nearest May 1st . If you don’t want to miss anything, arrive on the 30th April and stay until Sunday 2nd May! I’d advise following the links on the page to check with the organisers that everything will be the same for 2020 as calendarcustoms isn’t connected to either group – in 2020 the British public holiday in early May is moving to a Friday to mark VE Day for one year only and it has caused some event planners to change their arrangements for the year so it would be sensible if you’re travelling a long way. Hope you enjoy it!
Good day!
Is there any event being organized this 2022 for the 30th of April – 1st of may?
Thank you!
Hi Maria,
I’ve just checked out the link and though there are other people wondering the same thing, there hasn’t been any confirmation for definite yet from the organisers. Keep an eye on the Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/groups/1849255562019819/events
and scroll past the top post from 2020- sorry I can’t be more help.I’ll be very surprised if it doesn’t go ahead but it’ll be useful to have it confirmed.
Hi Marisela,
Thanks for your inquiry. I very much doubt if the plans for 2024 have been finalised yet, but when they’ve been made the best places to check will be the Facebook pages for each event as that’ll be where the information appears first. You can find them at https://www.facebook.com/GlastonburyDragons/?eid=ARDZBkQe9Du21ErYFAPw_uVVVuFYBcUG0Cyc53xvNBnfXFm0wwOmEpXNKx5-MsCPUNBGKgVHB0C_ojm5 and at https://www.facebook.com/groups/1849255562019819/
Hope that helps and that you have a great time!
Best wishes,