Where: | Blidworth, Nottinghamshire at Church of St Mary of the Purification |
When: | 1st Sunday in February |
Time: | usually 4pm |

Blidworth hosts a unique survival – the Rocking Ceremony, which is held on the first Sunday in February, close to the festival of Candlemas, in which the presentation of baby Jesus at the Temple is commemorated . The baby born nearest to Christmas Day in the parish is baptised during the morning service and in the afternoon is rocked by the vicar in a beautifully flower bedecked cradle in the church at a special candle-lit service. It is believed that the baby represents the infant Jesus and that in former times perhaps a more elaborate play took place which has evolved into the ceremony we have today. The custom dates back hundreds of years, though it has lapsed and been revived twice, most recently in 1922. The Rockings Baby is also presented with a special Bible and his name is added later to the roster of Rockings Babies in the parish on the board at the back of the church.
Helpful Hints
II 2026 it should be on Sunday February 1st.
From 2023 the event returned to the usual time of 4pm- in 2022 there was a special centenary service, at the earlier than usual time of 10am rather than in the afternoon, with other exhibitions and a concert.
Blidworth is pronounced “Bliddurth” with a silent w. It’s a very welcoming service for all ages which lasts around 45 minutes and has plenty of hymn singing with well-known tunes. Everyone is given a candle, which is lit towards the end. Photography is welcome before and after but not during the service. Whilst well attended, there was plenty of room for visitors in 2014 and all were invited to share refreshments at the end.
A register of all the Rocking Babies since the last revival in 1922 is kept on the Baptistry wall in church and Will Scarlett (of Robin Hood’s Merry Men) is buried in the churchyard just through a small gate to the south-west. Also look out for the modern sculpture commemorating the Rockings on the corner of Mansfield Road/Dale Lane beside the carpark.
Parking is limited near the church so allow plenty of time – some spaces are kindly made available at the pub next door.
Click here for church contacts: http://www.achurchnearyou.com/blidworth-st-mary-of-the-purification/
and here for the Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/rainworthblidworthCofE/

I travelled from south yorkshire to see this ceremony. the vicar Hazel Robinson took time to show me round the church even though people were arriving.The church is not very big but has some very nice stained glass windows depicting the purification of Mary.
the cradle was already in place, covered in white and yellow flowers, in front of the altar.
proud parents brought the baby in wearing a gown from a previous family member’s rocking.
the service was both delightful and gentle and a real mix of the story of jesus at his presentation at the temple and the transition of winter into spring/dark into light, all the congregation (70 ish) were given a lit candle to hold, and the baby presented with a bible and a lit candle.
the service was about 45 minutes long with homemade cakes and beverages after.
I would recommend this ceremony to young and old alike and i am most surprised that this is the only church that does this.
parking is difficult as the church is on a fairly steep main road.the congregation were asked not to photograph the ceremony but we were able to photo the cradle before and after and if i can i will post the photos i took. I hope my comments will encourage people to go next year.
I should have asked the vicar what happens if they are twins…..?
Hi Annie,
Thanks for your helpful comments about the Rocking Service – funnily enough, we were there for the first time, too and I totally agree with you, it was a lovely service and a very friendly atmosphere. We had a long journey home and my elderly Mum has been poorly so we headed off straight after the service – wish we could have stayed longer but we knew it would take us 3 hours to get back. I’ll be tweaking the article tomorrow having actually attended and will add some of the useful points from your message if that’s OK and some of the photos I took (hope they’ve come out but I haven’t checked them out properly yet!). We sat on the left hand side about half-way down the aisle – whereabouts were you?
Best Wishes,
hello Averil, Nice photos of the cradle, if I wasn’t such a klutz on the computer I could have posted mine too.
I was on the right hand side by the aisle towards the front in a loud Fair Isle jumper. Shame I didn’t know you were there as I ve only discovered this site recently and i’ve been meaning to contact you. Next stop the Wakefield rhubarb festival Cheers from annie
Hi Annie,
Would’ve been nice to make contact – I’ve met a few people from having the website, which is really nice! We went to the Rhubarb Festival last year – I’d recommend the Rhuby Crumble cheese as it was delicious. I’ve got a list of projected events visits for years (I’m in year 4 of a 10 year plan)as I’m hoping to get to most of the things on the website; then when we’ve been to all of them we can decide where to go back to regularly…the difficult bit will be deciding which ones. Never mind I expect we’ll run into each other at something hopefully sooner rather than later!
Best wishes,
I remember the Rockings with fond memories of when my father Reverend Jack Busby was vicar of Blidworth in the sixties I attended the village school & we lived next door in the very large & cold vicarage which I believe is now a care home would love to visit again sometime Veronica Hargrave
I have never seen this site before but attention was drawn to it in today’s church newsletter.
I am organist at the two churches within the benefice (the other is at neighbouring Rainworth), and it’s nice to read how much you enjoyed the service.
When I have more time this is a site which I will certainly re-visit.
Thanks Gordon!
My website is only 3 years old and it’s a very specialised subject so I’m not surprised it’s new to you -I’m pleased you’ve found it now and hope you’ll find it useful in the future. Writing the site and visiting the events is great fun and I’ve met some lovely people along the way.
Best Wishes,
Hi Averil,
I’ve posted this on the https://www.facebook.com/groups/Traditionalcustomsandceremonies but in case you don’t get time to update and confirm it is on this Sunday 1st at 4pm Cheers Ross
Thanks Ross! I checked it out a little while ago – just forgot to delete the “to be confirmed”!!
My great grandson was born just before Christmas and would love to apply for this amazing service
Hi Gary,
If you copy and follow this link: https://www.achurchnearyou.com/church/17726/
you’ll see all the contact details for the clergy and churchwardens at Blidworth and they’ll be able to tell you if they’ve already got a baby lined up – I’m not sure when the cut-off date is but its definitely worth you getting in touch with them. Here at Calendar Customs we haven’t any connection to the organisation of the event. Best of luck – it’s a lovely service and a real honour!
My brother was a “rocking baby” way back in 1942. He was born in October 1943 and my parents lived on The Crescent in Blidworth
How lovely! I hope you all managed to get to the special anniversary service for all the Rocking Babies this year.