Where: | Brightlingsea, Essex at the Hard |
When: | Sunday in late May/early June (near Ascension Day) |
Time: | Late morning to early afternoon - variable owing to tides (see Helpful Hints for current year timings) |

Brightlingsea is the setting for a traditional Blessing associated with Rogationtide. Dignitaries of the Cinque Ports and civic officials in their regalia attend a brief religious service which takes place on board ship at the Hard; this is relayed by loudspeakers from the local yacht club so that everyone can hear it. Following the Blessing, the dignitaries take to the water to lead the Smack Flotilla procession along the Brightlingsea Creek, past the Hard to West Ness for Reclaiming the Waters which asserts the rights of the people of Brightlingsea to use the waters in their Liberty, in a traditional boundary-marking custom akin to Beating the Bounds on land. The origins of this lie in a historic dispute of the local oystermen with those from Colchester over the position of West Ness and while this is no longer an issue today, the colourful custom is kept alive as part of the town’s maritime heritage. Expect lots of richly dressed dignitaries, generous sprinkling of the crowd during the Blessing and a loud cacophony of horn blowing, cheering and general mayhem as the boats leave the jetty.
Helpful Hints
In 2025 it should be on Sunday 15th June (check the church Facebook link/website below for more information).
Approximate times in 2024 were:
11.30am Assemble for procession & Town Criers address from St James steps,
11.45am Procession sets off
12 Noon, Service at Hard & blessing of boats
1.00pm Flotilla of Oyster Smacks & other vessels set off from Jetty , accompanied by “the Din” of horns etc, short voyage ‘beating the bounds’ to Brightlingsea Creek mouth where Waters blessed & toast given of “Gang-ho!”
Double check with the organisers for timings as this varies annually depending on the tides. All are welcome. The Flotilla route can be followed on foot to Bateman’s Tower at West Ness- you don’t need to be aboard to take part.
It usually happens in late May or early June. The date varied originally from year-to-year because Ascension Day is linked to the moveable feast of Easter and also nowadays the event has to be fitted into the local dignitaries’ calendar; the time varies also because of the tides. In 2019 the Blessing took place on Sunday June 2nd with the Town Crier’s address at 11.30 outside St James’, 12 noon at the Hard, and 1pm for Smacks leaving the jetty.
Click here for the event website: https://blessingofthewaters.co.uk
Click here for the Church Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/CofEBrightlingsea/
Click here for the website of the Cinque Port Liberty of Brightlingsea: http://www.cinqueportliberty.co.uk/
Twitter for the event (with lots of photos) may be found at @BlessWatersBsea
Click here for the Harbour Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/brightlingseaharbour/
Many thanks to Roger Tabor for the first 3 photos and for the helpful updates!

Hi, You are using one of my photos, it is not covered by creative license. Only the Liberty have permission to use it so that may be why you thought you could use it too. Please put my name on it ( not just in the file name) and if you like you can continue to share it. Thank you, Lynn Ballard
Image is 4th down on the right hand side, flotilla with Edme leading.
Dear Lynn,
Apologies for using the image without a credit. One of the Liberty sent me the photo to illustrate the post and I didn’t think to check that any further permissions were needed. Thank you for giving permission to continue using the image with your name added to it, which has now been done,
Best wishes,
Dear Averil
For further info see: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N_KXT4cnLTs or Twitter: @BlessWatersBsea or http://www.brightlingsea.info
Sadly this year’s 2020 Brightlingsea’s Blessing & Reclaiming of the Waters has been cancelled due to the covid pandemic, – however Brightlingsea is putting on a sort of “Virtual” event instead. This will be going on line.
So INSTEAD of the usual procession/service of Blessingof the Waters/historic boats Reclaiming the Waters, things will be done from our homes:
Anyone in Brightlingsea wanting to be involved in a bit of fun to give their house a ‘boat name’ just for the day and maybe hang out their flags to mimic the boats ‘dressed’ for the blessing day. (If people were to submit their addresses, the vicar Rev Caroline Beckett could do a ‘drive-by’ sprinkling via water pistol….)
Model boats, pictures of boats or boat paraphernalia in their windows on the day
At 1.00pm on Sunday June 7th, can all stand at their highest window and make the traditional beating of bounds din so it will echo out over the water.
The vicar will bless and sprinkle the boats at an unspecified time with appropriate words.
If it can be done in a socially distanced way, she may go out on one boat to drop the cross overboard, or I could just wait for the turn of the tide and hurl it in from the shore.
Those with boats could post photos of them online on the day.
Lets hope we are back to normal next year with our normal event & we can welcome visitors to join in again.
All Good Wishes
Chmn Brightlingsea Blessing & Reclaiming of the Waters committee
Cinque Port Liberty of Brightlingsea
Many thanks for the helpful information Roger – as you say, lets’s hope we’re all back to normal for next year, but it’s good that the tradition is being maintained during our current troubled times!
Best wishes,
Hi Averil
Brightlingsea’s Blessing of the Waters 2025 will be of Sunday 15th June.
Best wishes
Roger Tabor
Chairman Brightlingsea’s Blessing of the Waters committee
Cinque Port Liberty of Brightlingsea
Many thanks once again Roger- it’s always good to be given plenty of notice!
Best wishes,