Camborne Trevithick Day

Where: Camborne, Cornwall - town centre with Dances & Parade starting at Basset Road
When: Saturday in late April (usually last Saturday in month)
Time: All day from 10am with Bal Maidens dance at 10.15, Trevithick's Dance at 2.15 and Steam Parade at 3pm


Local inventor Richard Trevithick is one of the unsung heroes of the industrial revolution and every April the residents of Camborne celebrate his life and work in a festival which highlights his many achievements and the engineering and mining heritage of the local area. He was one of the pioneers of the use of steam power in industry, for removing water from the tin mines and for propelling vehicles amogst many other ideas – his Puffing Devil was the first working steam powered road vehicle. There are two special dances during the day, the first of which is performed by around 200 local children in the costume of Bal Maidens and Miners during the morning – Bal Maidens operated some of the machinery at the head of the mines during Trevithick’s time – and the second of which is the turn of the adults in Trevithick’s Dance dressed in the Cornish colours of yellow and black during the afternoon, moving to depict the workings of the steam engine. The dances are led by the Camborne Town Band, and weave around the many stalls in the streets. One of the highlights of the day is the Steam Parade of vehicles – probably the largest parade of its kind in a town anywhere- which processes all around town where the Mayor takes a salute beside the Library. One of the features of the parade is that spectators put coins in the road in the hope that they’ll be squashed by the heavy engines! Throughout the day the Steam Engines and vehicles are on display for those who’d like a closer look.In addition to the dances and vehicles there is a diverse mix of street entertainments and four covered stages with musicians catering for all tastes from brass bands to rock and pop, including local choirs. There are stalls lining the streets, exhibitions, arts and crafts, a flower festival and a fairground operating in the space usually taken up by the central car park. Plenty to keep you busy all day!

Helpful Hints

All are welcome to this free community festival. The main roads in town are closed to traffic on the day so check the event website for details of parking on the edge of town – there’s a park and ride signposted from the A30 which can hold 1000 vehicles (in 2018 this is £5 per vehicle and included a programme for the event).

In 2025 it should be on Saturday 26th April.

For the comprehensive event website and contact details click here :

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