Woodbridge: Carlow’s Charity

Where: Woodbridge, Suffolk at the Bull Hotel
When: Near 2nd February (the original date)
Time: 10 am


Carlow’s Charity is a bread dole for the needy which took place at Woodbridge in Suffolk for many years, lapsed for a long time and was revived in 2020. Pupils from the Abbey School were treated to refreshments including the small bread rolls after a brief service at the Bull Hotel; post-covid, the revival has again been revived from 2024 so will hopefully carry on into the future.

Helpful Hints

As it’s such a recent revival, I’ll be checking for future years to see if it stays exactly the same or if it evolves. In 2025 it was on Monday 3rd February at 10 am at the Bull- 2026 details are yet to be announced.

Click here for the Church website: https://www.stmaryswoodbridge.org

and Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/StMarysWoodbridge

Click here for the event web page: https://www.stmaryswoodbridge.org/post/carlow-s-dole?fbclid=IwAR362jADNDMX-9Xw2uLX_WKrNz2EnpE5h64y67rkal24KlwL9dQBNzIgIRA