London (and other venues) Cromwell Day

Where: 2024 at St Ives Free Church (formerly at the Cromwell statue outside the Houses of Parliament but building works making this currently impossible)
When: 3rd September or Saturday nearest 3rd September
Time: Often 3pm but may vary with venue- 2024 2.15


Oliver Cromwell died on September 3rd 1658 and each year his anniversary is celebrated by the Cromwell Association, who promote study of the great man’s life and times. Cromwell was Lord Protector in the Interrregnum or Commonwealth period, when Britain was a republic during the seventeenth century following the Civil Wars. It’s essentially a society event but interested members of the public are very welcome to attend. For many years it was held at Cromwell’s  Statue outside the Houses of Parliament but current renovation work in the area means that this is not possible (see below) and for the foreseeable future it is held at various venues with a significant Cromwellian link. The short service includes suitable rousing hymns with readings and prayers, and a wreath laying ceremony at the end.

Helpful Hints

In 2025 it should be on Saturday 6th September in London- full details are yet to be confirmed.

In 2024 it was on Saturday 7th September at St Ives, Cambridgeshire at 2.15 in the Free Church.2023 was at Worcester and a wreath-laying ceremony took place before the service at 2pm at The Commandery.

For a few years the venue has been at several different places and is now usually held on a Saturday near 3rd rather than 3rd itself- recent venues have included Worcester and Putney. The Houses of Parliament work is ongoing so a return to that venue is unlikely for some time.

Click here for the Cromwell Association website :

Photo by greycap (at Cromwell’s statue).

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