Where: | Dalemain, near Penrith in Cumbria |
When: | A Saturday in March or April |
Time: | 10 am- 4 pm |

Dalemain in Cumbria is the setting for an annual series of competitions based around that staple of the British breakfast, marmalade. Founded in 2005, the contest includes classes for amateurs of all ages, artisans using the open-pan method, and professionals, for hotels and restaurants which serve their own recipe. Competitors attend from all over the world to show off their talents, and there are awards for unusual recipes and those using rare ingredients. Dalemain is a 300-year-old country house which boasts a rich archive of family recipes for the conserve, and the festival was founded in order to encourage and spread the art of marmalade making. The event is also a charity fundraiser, with the proceeds of the amateur entries going to the local hospice. The winner is announced at the opening of the Festival, along with a special themed song from the local school children, and a special peal of bells. A huge variety of marmalade is available to taste and to purchase on the day, and there are talks and demonstrations, and activities for children. The winning amateur recipe is used commercially to be sold in the Dalemain shop, and you can buy it in the marquee.
Helpful Hints
In 2025 it should be on Saturday April 26th. The gardens and house and Marmalade Museum will be open on the day.
Competitors must send their recipe in advance- see website link below for details of how to enter and closing date.
Click here for the event Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/worldmarmaladeawards/
and here for the Dalemain website : https://www.dalemain.com

It needs to be in May again.