Hackney Clowns Service

Where: Hackney at All Saints Church, Haggerston Road/Livermere Road corner
When: 1st Sunday in February
Time: 3pm


This is a church service with a difference – the congregation will be wearing heavy make-up, wigs and baggy trousers and you’ll perhaps see pedal cars driven or unicycles ridden up the nave. It’s all to commemorate the life of Joseph Grimaldi, widely viewed as the “father” of the modern clown – originally the service was held at St James’ Pentonville where Grimaldi is buried but changed location when that church became disused. Expect a laughter-filled colourful service with a birthday cake and flowers that squirt! After the service, which includes hymns and readings, there is a children’s show featuring performances from a few of the clowns. When we visited in 2020, there were about 40 clowns present, from all over the world.

Helpful Hints

In 2026 it should be on Sunday February 1st- keep checking the Clowns International Facebook page below for updates.

It attracts lots of photographers so get there early! The first few pews are reserved for the clowns themselves but in 2020 there was plenty of room in the gallery, and in the side aisles, for visitors. The service lasts for around an hour followed by a show for families, and the sharing of the birthday cake.

Until recently it was held at Dalston at Holy Trinity Church but has now moved to All Saints, Hackney (part of the same group of churches). The gallery offers a good view of the nave from above – access is up the exterior steps to the west end of the church.

Click here for the Clowns International page who organise the event: https://www.facebook.com/ClownsIntl/

and here for their website: https://www.clownsinternational.com

Click here for the church Facebook page (lots of photos on here!): https://www.facebook.com/pages/All-Saints-Church-Haggerston/390478634428194

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