Durham Plough Sunday

Where: Durham, Market Place and Cathedral
When: Sunday in early January
Time: 12.30 pm dancing, 1pm Plough Procession, Blessing 2pm followed by further dancing


The start of the agricultural year is marked at Durham by a plough being drawn through the streets from the Market Place to Palace Green, where it is received by the Dean of the Cathedral. Before the procession leaves the Market Place, ribbons are tied to the Plough for luck. The ploughboys are paid fourpence by the Dean for their trouble after dancing and a Blessing! Apparently Durham was the setting for the first recorded Plough Sunday event back in 1413, and the money harks back to this time as in that year the Prior of Durham donated that sum to the plough procession. Expect a lively celebration with lots of morris dancing, sword dancing, music and ceremony in a growing custom that was recently received just a few years ago. Further music follows at the John Duck pub, on Claypath.

Helpful Hints

In 2025 it was on Sunday January 12th with dancing up to 1pm at Palace Green before the 2pm service- 2026 details are yet to be announced but it’s likely to be on Sunday 11th.

When we visited in 2019 the Blessing and the ploughboy’s dance and payment took place inside the Cathedral,though in earlier years this has happened outside.

Click here for the Cathedral website: https://www.durhamcathedral.co.uk

and Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/durhamcathedral/

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