Durweston Shroving

Where: Durweston, Dorset - village centre starting st School
When: Shrove Tuesday
Time: 9.15 approx. onwards


Shroving song

At Durweston an old Shrove Tuesday custom has continued from a bequest left by villager Valentine Rickman to provide flowers ; nowadays the local school organises a house visiting custom where all the children perambulate the village donating posies to the residents and singing their shroving song. Donations from the residents help to buy books for the school library and the day is eagerly anticipated by children and householders alike. After the posies are all given out, Mr Rickman’s grave at the village church is decorated with flowers.

Helpful Hints

There are only a handful of specatators as this is very much a village event – but we were made very welcome and given some lovely daffodils! When Shrove Tuesday falls within the school half term holiday the event takes a break for the year because it’s organised by the school.

In 2026 Shrove Tuesday falls on 17th February (will check near the time if it’s in term time this year and whether Shroving should take place).

For the school website click here : http://www.durweston.dorset.sch.uk/

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