Where: | Fownhope, Herefordshire starting at the New Inn |
When: | A Saturday near 29th May (may be in early June) |
Time: | From 10.30 am |

Fownhope in Herefordshire is the setting for a unique annual walk held on a Saturday near Oak Apple Day (29th May). At one time Friendly Societies were common throughout the country as associations for rural workers, often in agriculture, and in return for a modest subscription members would receive a return if they fell upon hard times; this was especially important in the days before the Welfare State. Many such associations were formed through the Nineteenth Century with Fownhope’s dating back to the very early 1800s, though few similar groups survive today. It was common for the societies to have an annual celebration and this often took place around Whitsuntide, in the form of a Club Walk and perhaps a sports day, providing a much needed holiday for the group. Today the members carry sticks garlanded with flowers and greenery and the walkers follow their route around the village led by a band, and by the Society Banner and a bough of oak gathered freshly that morning. Some of the sticks are passed down through the generations, lovingly bedecked with new flowers each year; when we visited in 2022, the bearer of the oak Mike was celebrating 60 years leading the procession having held the honour since he was a young man of seventeen . The walk begins at the pub and continues to the Church with a brief thanksgiving service, and ends with refreshments. Prizes are awarded for the best decorated sticks, for seniors and juniors, and visitors are made very welcome. Following the walk, sports are organised and a hog roast. Expect morris dancing, music and merriment!
Helpful Hints
In 2025 it should be on Saturday 31st May.
The committee would welcome new members to carry the event on into the future.
When we visited, the Drybrook Band and Leominster Morris provided the music and dancing.
Click here for the Heart of Oak Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100079021830262&sk=about
Click here for the village Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/FownhopeVillage/?hc_ref=SEARCH&fref=nf
Many thanks to Robin Peers for drawing my attention to this event, and for some of the photographs.

Just to say that though the village facebook page has info about the walk when it’s due to take place for more on Heart of Oak itself you’re better going to the Heart of Oak page on the village web site at https://sites.google.com/site/fownhopevillage/clubs-organisations/heart-of-oak
Also, the 2018 date is June 2nd
Many thanks Mike – will add the link and next year’s date straightaway (I like it when dates are given out well in advance!)
Best wishes,