Helston Flora Day & Furry Dance

Where: Helston, Cornwall - starting at the Guildhall in the town centre
When: 8 May (if 8th is a Sunday or Monday, it's held on the previous Saturday instead which will be 6th or 7th May- see Helpful Hints)
Time: All day from 7am


Helston Flora Day is one of the oldest surviving May customs celebrating the end of winter and coming of spring. A series of dances are performed throughout the day starting at 7am at the Guildhall with the Early Morning Dance, followed by the traditional performance of the Hal-an-Tow at 8.30 which is a play and dialect song, and then the Childrens Dance. At noon the principal or Furry Dance takes the form of a procession, also starting at the Guildhall, of elegantly dressed ladies and gentlemen who wind their way around town, even passing through houses and shops. The Final Dance of the day starts at 5 pm and anyone can take part. The whole town is decorated for the event, which attracts large crowds, and the day even has its own unique tune (similar to the well-known Floral Dance tune but not the same).

Helpful Hints

Don’t miss the Hal an Tow at the start if you want to have the full Flora Day experience. Expect large crowds all day! Plenty of food & drink are available in town. Lily of the Valley buttonholes are also on sale from streetsellers with baskets ( a bargain in 2012 for £2).

In 2025 Flora Day will be on Thursday 8th May.

Click here for the event website : http://www.helstonfloraday.org.uk/

and Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Helstonfloradayassociation/

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