Hepworth Feast & Plague Commemoration

Where: Hepworth, Yorkshire - village centre
When: Last Monday in June
Time: 2pm



Hepworth Feast is a commemorative event giving thanks for the cessation of plague, with its origins in the 1665 outbreak which claimed many lives locally. In earlier times there were similar events held at other settlements in the area but Hepworth’s alone survived; in the opinion of local residents it’s because theirs is held on a Monday and everybody likes the excuse of having a day off! A  procession marches during the afternoon through the village to Scholes and back accompanied by a brass band; regular stops are made for singing hymns and songs of  praise.There are stalls and entertainments in the village street in the evening, with childrens races and refreshments.

Helpful Hints

Some of the terrain is steep on the walks and the pace is pretty fast if you want to keep up with the band; there are rolling road closures for the procession as it winds around the route. Hymn sheets are given out at the start.Look out for the thirteen trees beside the football pitch, which were planted in memory of the plague victims from the village.

In 2025 it should be on Monday June 30th.

Click here for the Band Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/hepworthband

and website : https://www.hepworthband.com

Click here for the village Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/HepworthVillage/

Click here for the school (Feast is in their calendar): http://scholesprimarypri.kgfl.dbprimary.com/kgfl/primary/scholesprimarypri

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