Lanark Lanimer Day

Where: Lanark, South Lanarkshire: Procession starting at Harry Smith Centre and winding around town centre
When: Thursday between 6th & 12th June
Time: From 9am with Procession at 10am and Crowning at 11.30


Lanimer Queen

Lanimer Day is the main event in Lanimers Week at Lanark and it is a traditional Borders Common Riding boundary marking event led by the Lord Cornet. Expect massed bands, the Lanimer Lorries parade of floats, lots of ceremony and plenty of horses & riders as well as the crowning of the Lanimer Queen at the Tollbooth. The origins lie way back in the twelfth century which may make this the oldest festival of its type to be celebrated annually without a break – it’s certainly one of the biggest and most spectacular. During the evening there are massed bands at the Cross from 5.15 with the Grand Finale at 6.30.

Helpful Hints

There are numerous events either side of the Day itself (see website link for full details). In 2025 Lanimer Day should be Thursday June 12th -check event website for updates and full details.

Look out for the plaque and window display about Lanimer Day at the Tollboooth on the High Street, above the replica boundary stone. Houses around town are decorated for the festival, particularly those where the principals live.

Click here for the event website (all you could need to know is here!) :

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