London The Tudor Pull

Where: London - River Thames from Hampton Court to Tower of London
When: A Sunday in (usually) April or May
Time: Varies annually-check links under Helpful Hints


The Tudor Pull is a rowing event with much pageantry on the River Thames in which an elaborately decorated Royal Barge delivers a stela (a piece of wooden water pipe in a special glass case) to the Governor of the Tower of London. The boat is accompanied by a flotilla of Thames Watermen’s Cutters which are rigged with flags  and canopies and propelled by rowers in full ceremonial livery; they set off from the Royal Palace at Hampton Court with a procession to the water. The distance covered is around 25 miles and the party create a visual spectacle rarely seen on the modern river; after the delivery the stela is kept at the Tower until it’s sent back to Hampton Court for the following year.  The Stela Ceremony where the handover happens takes place inside the east gate at the Tower of London and if you wish to witness it, you must be ready inside the Tower (and you must pay for entry). You can also watch the arrival of the barge from the wall walk around the Tower walls; the procession to the Tower from St Katherine’s Pier can be witnessed without going inside the Tower precincts but you won’t be able to see the Stele Ceremony. It’s organised by the Thames Traditional Rowing Association whose aim is to promote rowing and sculling on the Thames in Waterman’s Cutters (and it’s a great excuse to get dressed-up!) though some say its origins lie in the commemoration of the sinking of Queen Eleanor’s barge by London Bridge in 1256.

Helpful Hints

Check the event Facebook page for the timetable as this may vary from year to year- and double check again near the due date as it sometimes moves after the initial schedule is announced (this happened in 2022 and it actually set off earlier than the original schedule, which meant that some visitors arrived after it had left- the full timetable only appeared on the Facebook page a few days before the event). Visitors at the Hampton Court end may view the starting ceremony from outside the pay zone, but at the Tower you need to buy a ticket to be inside the precincts for viewing the handover at the end.

In 2025 it should be on Sunday 25th May- full 2025 details are yet to be announced but see below for 2024.

This was the plan for 2024 but plans are subject to change at anytime,due to weather, Tide, and PLA warnings. The Royal Watermen’s Tudor Pull 2024 Timetable – Sunday 19th May 2024 09:00/0930​​Boats & crews muster at Hampton Court Palace ​(Briefing) 09:50​​​Royal Watermen process to main gate Hampton Court Palace 10:00​​​Ceremony of the ‘Stela’ and take the ‘Boating Cup’ ​​​ 10:30​​​Flotilla leaves Hampton Court Palace 11:15​​​Arrive Teddington Lock (11:15 Remaining crews arrive at Richmond to prepare boat regalia) 11:30​​​Leave Teddington Lock (HW RB 1248 BST)​ ​​ 12:00​​​Arrive Richmond (victuals supplied by Richmond Bridge Boat ​​​Club (RBBC)) ​ 12:30​​​(Coxes briefing outside RBBC) 13:00 (prompt)​Leave Richmond 14:30​​​Pass Putney, regroup as necessary 16:00 (approx.)​Arrive Tower Bridge Quay ​​​ 16:15​​​Process to H.M. Tower of London 16:30​​​Pass through East Gate, H.M. Tower of London 16:40​​​Ceremony of the ‘Stela’ 17:00​​​Leave the Tower 17:30​Cutters leave for tow back up and down stream 17:30​Rowing Crews Arrive ‘Dickens Inn’ for refreshments ​.

Full details and any updates/last minute changes should appear on the Facebook link below.

Click here for the event website :

and Facebook page:

and here :

Thanks to David Packer for the photos of Hampton Court!

View this location on the map.