Where: | London at Goldsmith's Hall in Foster Lane |
When: | January or February |
Time: | 9 am |

The Pyx is a container for coins and the Trial is a ceremony which checks that the current coinage is of suitable quality and weight; the name comes from the Latin word “Pyxis” meaning small box and also gave its name to the Pyx Chamber at Westminster which is where the ceremony formerly took place. Sample coins are put into bags throughout the year from each batch produced at the Royal Mint, and the sealed Pyx Packet envelopes are collected into the boxes ready for the ceremony; every year the Freemen of the Goldsmiths Company choose a convenient date upon which to inspect them, often in late January or February. It’s been a regular event since the days of King Henry III in the thirteenth century, and was held originally at Westminster Hall,only moving permanently to Goldsmiths Hall in 1871. The sample coins are counted, with one randomly chosen example put aside to be sent for testing by the Assay Office to check its composition, and the rest are sent to be weighed; after a period of about eight weeks the jury meet again for the Verdict following the testing, and the company retire for their Pyx Luncheon. It’s one of the longest established judicial procedures in the country, and is a form of quality assurance ensuring that the currency meets statutory legal requirements for composition, weight and size. The Trial is the first stage in the process and is a formal court of law, presided over by the King’s Remembrancer, the senior master of the Royal Courts of Justice, supported by staff members and a jury from the Goldsmith’s Company liverymen and Freemen. The jury count and weigh the coins and select those chosen for assaying and weighing, and an invited audience are able to witness the proceedings.
Helpful Hints
In 2025 it was on Tuesday 11th February- 2026 date is yet to be confirmed. The Trial and Luncheon are both private events so don’t just turn up expecting to be admitted- potential visitors must contact Goldsmith’s Hall to obtain a ticket. Small numbers of members of the public are granted access each year, along with a select number of invited guests with connections to the Goldsmiths and related companies. When I visited in 2024, the tickets were free of charge but there were only 20 public places available, so if you wish to attend apply to the Goldsmiths Company well in advance (I emailed the company in the autumn and was allocated a ticket during December).
In 2024 all the coins produced were all commemorative issues, with a portrait of King Charles III on the obverse and a variety of images on the reverse from popular culture and anniversaries.
As it’s a formal court, photographs aren’t permitted during the Ceremony itself but are allowed beforehand and during the following counting phase.
Click here for the Goldsmith’s Company website: https://www.thegoldsmiths.co.uk

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