Moulton Village Festival

Where: Moulton, Northants - Crowning at Public Gardens followed by Procession
When: Weekend in mid May (weekend preceding Spring Bank Holiday Weekend)
Time: From 10am


Moulton 2016

Moulton in Northamptonshire is the setting each May for a traditional village festival involving dance, processions and a decorated May Cart to convey the May Queen around the streets. The May Queen is crowned on Saturday at 10.15 and the May Cart processes around the village until noon. Morris sides from around the country travel to take part, so expect plenty of music and dancing -the local Moulton Morris Men are particularly sprightly and vigorous . There are also concerts, stalls and other entertainments – the main day is the Saturday but there is also more dancing on Sunday and a chariot race.

Helpful Hints

Look out for the village sign depicting the May Cart and Morris Men (by the village carpark)

It normally takes place on the weekend preceding Spring Bank Holiday Weekend so is around the middle of the month. In 2025 it should be on Saturday 17th &  Sunday 18th May.

Click here for the Facebook page:

Click here for the Moulton Morris website :

Also of note is the Boxing Day mummers’ play (thanks to Tony Mills for drawing my attention to this).

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