Where: | Wortley, Sheffield at Wortley Men's Club, Reading Room Lane, Wortley. |
When: | Saturday nearest full moon before November 5th |
Time: | 8.30 pm |

The Night of the Hunters Moon is celebrated each autumn and involves a special masked fire dance. The website for the event contains the legend of its foundation following a drought and the discovery of the Red Book of Langsett with details of an ancient custom….today carried on by Mister Fox and his associates. If you like fire and dancing and an atmosphere of mystery, this is the event for you!
Helpful Hints
In 2025 it should be on Saturday 4th October.
In the past it was held at Langsett at the Waggon and Horses but moved venue from 2017.
The event can fall in October or very early November depending on the phases of the moon of the year concerned. Refreshments are available at the venue and the display takes place in the beer garden next to the club, which also has a carpark.
For the venue website click here : http://www.wortleymensclub.co.uk and Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/WortleyMensClub
For the marvellous event website click here : http://mister-fox.org
and for the Facebook page click here: https://www.facebook.com/mrfoxdance/

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living in south yorkshire i have driven past the Waggon and horses many times but had never heard of this custom. The pub is on the busy A 616 not far from the Woodhead Pass. I would suggest that visitors get there early as the car park is small and leads into a lane with private housing. I parked on Gilbert Hill which is the 1st right turn after the pub, there is no pavement or lighting here so take care.
The fire dance was held in the beer garden it was packed solid with folk standing on tables to get a better view. the area marked out for the dance was 6-8 people deep and even thicker around the outside bar. some people were watching from the ladies toilets which as someone pointed out was “cheating a bit”.
there was an air of quiet excitement which I haven’t noticed before when I have attended daylight dances.
The dance began with a few fire works and a procession up the road.
Sad to say, because of the crowd, I couldn’t really see any of the dance except smoke and a shield with torches and many people were watching by holding their smart phones aloft . As I had my dog with me I couldn’t easily winkle my way through to the front and so I left early.
BUT next year I’ll get there much earlier and possibly bring a step ladder with me! So I came away not in the least disappointed but with a wish to see it properly next time
There were people of all ages there and I would think the event is suitable for everyone.
Hi Annie,
Check out Mr Fox’s website for updates at http://www.mr-fox.org.uk as they perform throughout the dark months and you might get a better view next time at a bigger venue. They’re well worth seeing!
thanks Averil,
I already have had a look and they are performing in Marsden in February for Imbolc. And Marsden is not too far away
I managed to see all of the dance this year. I got to the Waggon and Horses inn early about 7.30 and managed to get a place right at the front of the roped off dance area.
the audience increased steadily and as last year people were standing on the tables to watch.
Absolutely brilliant and well worth the effort of getting to the venue and well worth the wait in the cold and damp.I would suggest anyone who goes to wrap up well, I waited an hour and the dance takes about an hour it took quite a long time to thaw out!
Very suitable for all ages with fire works, coloured flames in braziers,dancing with torches and fire weaving (poi weaving?) and loud music and drumming.
I would definitely go again.
Beware that you come away smelling of bonfires though this isnt really a bad thing….
Thanks Annie! You did well to get near the front – sounds like it was a good night 🙂
Please note that the Venue is now at Wortley Mens Club.
Thanks Bob – got that on the site from last time and I’m assuming it’s a long term move.
Best wishes
Hi all, we’ve seen mr fox every year for many years, the atmosphere at wagon an hourses venu can not be beaten, sadly its been moved to wortley working men’s club and doesn’t have the same atmosphere. We no longer go which is such a disappointment as we never missed a year.
We really enjoyed it at the Wagon and Horses too but haven’t been to the new venue yet (it’s quite a long journey for us). If you give it another go, let us know how you found it as it might take a while to settle in at the new place. Love Mr Fox!