Palm Sunday

Where: Countrywide
When: The Sunday before Easter
Time: All day


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Palm Sunday is the last Sunday before Easter and the final Sunday in Lent ; because it is linked with Easter it can vary in date and always falls between 15th March and 18th April. It commemorates the entry of Jesus on the donkey into Jersusalem when the crowd welcomed Him waving Palm Crosses. In church services today, Palm Crosses are often given to the congregation to remember the occasion. In parishes blessed with the presence of a compliant beast (not universally common!), there may be processions to church with palms and donkey as at Corbridge, Northumberland (pictured). This happens at many of the larger parish churches and cathedrals, the vast majority of which have a special service on Palm Sunday.

Helpful Hints

In 2025 Palm Sunday is on 13th April.

To find your nearest Church of England place of worship click here:

Photo by Fred Dawson (of Crosses).