Randwick Wap

Where: Randwick, Gloucestershire - procession starts by the War Memorial
When: Saturday of 2nd weekend in May
Time: 12.30 pm


Randwick Wap is a revived ancient festival with a fair,  costumed procession and ceremonial cheeserolling. A Wap Mayor and Queen are carried through the village accompaied by various officials including a Mop-Man who clears the way and wets the crowd with water, before the Mayor is dipped in the pond. Real cheeses are rolled by the Queen and Mayor down the bank then divided and eaten. Don’t get this confused with the Cooper’s Hill Cheeserolling competition on Spring Bank Holiday (see separate article). The procession then makes its way to the fair field by the Village Hall where there are presentations and entertainments as well as stalls selling a variety of items – the unique Wiput Cake is on sale at the Wap tent (if you like bread and butter pudding, you’ll like this cake!).

Helpful Hints

In 2025 it should be on Saturday May 10th. On the preceding Sunday (May 4th in 2025) the cheeses are blessed in a special outdoor service at St John the Baptist’s Church in the village before being rolled around the church widdershins. One cheese is consumed and the other kept for Wap day (above).

Click here for the event website : https://randwickwap.org.uk

and Facebook pages: https://www.facebook.com/groups/102221976481907/user/100068109422876

and: https://www.facebook.com/groups/102221976481907/

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