Where: | Shaftesbury, Dorset , Ceremony starting at the Town Hall |
When: | Usually a Sunday in early to mid May but sometimes a Monday |
Time: | 11 am (formerly 2pm) |

The Byzant Ceremony is an ancient practice dating back to 1364, which has recently been revived and takes its name from the ceremonial mace carried at the event. From its hilltop position, the town experienced problems with a reliable water supply, until an agreement was reached with neighbouring Enmore Green to utilise their well water in return for some tribute including silver pennies, bread and ale. The custom celebrates the benefit of a clean water supply and takes place in mid May or June on a Sunday; hopefully the current revival, which started in 2018, will continue long into the future. Historically the event has varied somewhat in date and weekday but was most often held on a Sunday, which fits well into modern times. Sweet-smelling wildflower posies called Tussie Mussies are handed out to carry on the walk. Expect a perambulation following the ancient route to Enmore Green, including the Mayor and dignitaries and musicians in medieval costumes; the procession includes the blessing of key locations in the town and ends with consumption of penny loaves and Byzant beer. There is also a local history and information stand on the High Street where you can find out more about the custom and the town. In some years, but not always, the Ceremony takes place on the same day as the Food and Drink Festival with the Gold Hill Cheese Race (see separate article).
Helpful Hints
In 2024 it was on Sunday 5th May at 11 am- 2025 date is yet to be announced.
The original Byzant is no longer in use for the Ceremony, but may be found in the Gold Hill Museum, where there is also a large mural of the event.
Click here for more info: https://www.facebook.com/shaftesburyfeastival?paipv=0&eav=AfaCKSCSULSA9Vx96JxhnL2sqTszwGgTHRcaYXrRaxfGrxkgFkU1w8wOcwIdYg8XYao&_rdr
Click here for the Museum’s website: https://goldhillmuseum.org.uk
Be aware that as 2018 was the first time the current incarnation of the Byzant ceremony took place, changes may occur over the first few years of the revival, which may not be every year,so keep an eye on the event’s own webpages.
Click here for the Food and Drink Festival: http://shaftesburyfestival.co.uk
It’s organised by the Town Council – click here for their website: https://www.shaftesbury-tc.gov.uk
Click here for the event Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/ShaftesburyTownCouncil/photos/a.1961977290683390/2038773893003729/?type=3&theater

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