Where: | Sussex - various locations throughout the area (see website link for full list) |
When: | Late September to mid November |
Time: | Evenings - often Saturdays (see website link for full list) |
Sussex gets a special mention here because instead of celebrating Bonfire Night around the 5th of November, they have a whole series of events lasting all autumn long.Bonfire Night aka Guy Fawkes Night on 5th November is the anniversary of the discovery of Guy Fawkes with barrels of gunpowder in cellars beneath the Houses of Parliament in 1605. Bonfires are lit, effigies of Guy Fawkes are burned and fireworks set off in commemoration of the narrow escape of King James I and Parliament from being blown up by Fawkes and his fellow conspirators. All over the country similar events take place – it is one of the most popular national celebrations of the year. Bonfire Night is particularly enthusiastically celebrated in Sussex, where towns and villages stage their own series of individual displays in a carefully orchestrated charity-fundraising season lasting from the first Saturday in September to mid November (see link below for full programme details and also see separate listings on this site for Lewes and Rye). In Sussex the bonfires also commemorate the persecution of the Sussex Martyrs, burned for their faith in the sixteenth century.
Helpful Hints
There are too many fires to list all of them on this website – and if you follow the links below you’ll find the organisers of the various societies with links to all the individual events. Visitors are advised to check with the societies direct for up-to-date information. See link below for the 2024 dates – 2025 dates are yet to be confirmed.
Click here for the Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/590435721018481
Click here for the Bonfire website: http://www.free-events.co.uk/sussexbonfire/sussexbonfire.html

it starts first Saturday in September till 18th of November
Thanks for the info Sean- that’s a lot of bonfires!
Best wishes,
Are any bonfire events in East Sussex happening on Sunday? Thanks x
Hi Ruby,
I can’t think of any that are actually happening on 5th this year- when 5th is a Sunday some of them move to the 4th instead. Hope you find something- sorry I can’t be more help!
Best wishes,
the bonfire societies are commemorating the sussex martyrs e.g. https://mayfieldbonfire.co.uk/history-2/#:~:text=Sussex%20Bonfire%20Societies%20were%20formed,burnt%20on%2024th%20September%201556.
Hope the email reaches you well.
we are a plant based and homemade food company named Falafelbox L.L.C.
We participate in many markets/events in East sussex and Kent area
We would like to inquire to be part of the bonfire event on October 12th as we do live cooking and authentic special food
We Mainly sell Falafel /Vegan /Vegetarian food with live cooking.
We have great options for Gluten free as well
If possible to contact me back as for the requirements or call us for any concerns
Note:we hold a 5 hygiene certificate and the insurance liability needed(attached)
You can see us on
Please feel free to call us if any inquiry
Best Regards
Hi Walid,
Hera at calendarcustoms we’re not connected at all to the organisation of any of the bonfires- so you’ll need to make arrangements with them direct. The October 12th event is the one at Hastings and you can find their contact details on their website at https://www.hbbs.info/home or on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/hastingsbonfire . Hope you manage to get sorted!
Best wishes,
Enquiry about Robertsbridge Bonfire – does anybody know if there are food stalls etc. at the playing field?
Hi Max, you can contact Robertsbridge direct at http://www.robertsbridgebonfiresociety.com or via their Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61550026322961 – there’s nothing obvious that I spotted on either link about food stalls etc but I expect they should be able to give you the right info if you drop them a line,
Best wishes,
Thanks, will do.
I just wondered if anyone was there last year and could comment.