Thaxted Morris Meeting

Where: Thaxted, Essex & surrounding villages
When: Weekend after Spring Bank Holiday (so usually first weekend in June)
Time: Tours from 9.30, Procession at 5.45pm, Horn Dance 10.15; Sunday 9.30 Procession to church followed by 10am service, dancing from 11.30


Thaxted Morrismen are a well established side who annually host one of the biggest events in the Morris calendar, which involves the teams touring the surrounding villages and performing in the town itself. Their Morris Meeting attracts participants from all over the country and beyond over the whole weekend – expect sword dancers, mummers, musicians, folk plays and processions as well as morris dancing in the Cotswold tradition. The climax of the event is the horn dance which rounds the day off on Saturday at 10.15 – this is rather special. There are further dances and processions on the Sunday as well as a dedicated church service.

Helpful Hints

Look out for the exhibition about morris in the church.

In 2025 it should be on Friday 30th May, Saturday 31st May and Sunday 1st June.

Follow the website link below and choose Weekend of Dance from the options on the homepage, where you’ll find a list of approximate timings and locations, and a map.

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Photo by Chris5aw (daytime view).

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