Toddington Conger Hill Witch Listening

Where: Toddington, Bedfordshire starting at St George's Church of England School on Manor Road then moving to Conger Hill
When: Shrove Tuesday
Time: 11.50-ish



The legendary Witch of Conger Hill in Toddington is apparently as fond of pancakes on Shrove Tuesday as the rest of us, and a recently revived local celebration takes place involving local school children. As the pancake bell tolls in nearby St George’s  Church just before noon, the Year 4 pupils take the short walk from their Primary School to nearby Conger Hill, the mound of a motte-and-bailey castle. Once there, they lie down on the grass listening to see if they can hear the Witch frying her pancakes inside the mound….and some of them always hear her! The customs was reinstated by members of the Toddington Old Boys Association, many of whom had fond memories of the practice from their childhood, and current Old Boys also go along to share their recollections.

Helpful Hints

When Shrove Tuesday falls within the school half term holiday, the event takes a break for the year as it’s linked to the school. As this is a school event which takes place on private land, if you plan a visit it’s best to check with the school or the Old Boys in advance.

In 2026 Shrove Tuesday falls on 17th February (will be checking near the time if it will be a school day).

Click her for the Old Boys Association :

and here for the school :

Thanks to Ross Parish for telling me  about the revival! And especial thanks to John Bryant and the Toddington Old Boys Association for all their help.

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