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  • John Barleycorn is the personification of the barley crop and the beer brewed from it, who has been part of the song culture of the British Isles for centuries and […]

    Whitby: John Barleycorn Must Die

    John Barleycorn is the personification of the barley crop and the beer brewed from it, who has been part of the song culture of the British Isles for centuries and […]

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  • Pirate Festivals are a relatively modern and growing phenomenon, and can be found all around the country, many at seaside locations as you might imagine but also in landlocked places […]

    Whitby Pirate Festival (and other similar events)

    Pirate Festivals are a relatively modern and growing phenomenon, and can be found all around the country, many at seaside locations as you might imagine but also in landlocked places […]

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  • While the ceremonies at Stonehenge may be the most famous of those held on the Summer Solstice, there is also a large gathering at the stone circle at Avebury in […]

    Avebury Summer Solstice

    While the ceremonies at Stonehenge may be the most famous of those held on the Summer Solstice, there is also a large gathering at the stone circle at Avebury in […]

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  • The Order of the Garter is the oldest and most senior British Order of Chivalry, dating back to its foundation by King Edward III in 1348, and on Garter Day […]

    Windsor Garter Ceremony

    The Order of the Garter is the oldest and most senior British Order of Chivalry, dating back to its foundation by King Edward III in 1348, and on Garter Day […]

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  • Bromsgrove in Worcestershire is a settlement with an ancient Court Leet, an organisation which preserves ancient traditions and ceremonies including Fair Day, which was granted a charter by King John. […]

    Bromsgrove Fair Day and Assizes

    Bromsgrove in Worcestershire is a settlement with an ancient Court Leet, an organisation which preserves ancient traditions and ceremonies including Fair Day, which was granted a charter by King John. […]

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  • St Nectan was a Celtic saint who lived as a hermit, sailing to Devon to start a holy life; he was decapitated by cattle thieves when he remonstrated with them […]

    Welcombe St Nectan’s Day Foxglove Service

    St Nectan was a Celtic saint who lived as a hermit, sailing to Devon to start a holy life; he was decapitated by cattle thieves when he remonstrated with them […]

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  • Every May there is a special commemorative service at Durham Cathedral in honour of Bede, the eighth century scholar, historian and Saint, as Bede is buried in the Galilee Chapel […]

    Durham: The Feast of the Venerable Bede

    Every May there is a special commemorative service at Durham Cathedral in honour of Bede, the eighth century scholar, historian and Saint, as Bede is buried in the Galilee Chapel […]

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  • The early May celebrations at Guildford are hosted by Pilgrim Morris and feature copious vigorous dancing, the erection of the mighty Summerpole, and a Jack-in-the-Green character known here as the […]

    Guildford Summerpole

    The early May celebrations at Guildford are hosted by Pilgrim Morris and feature copious vigorous dancing, the erection of the mighty Summerpole, and a Jack-in-the-Green character known here as the […]

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  • The Lyth Valley in Westmorland has been well-known for its Damson production for many generations, and the Damson Day Fair is held to coincide with the flowering of the trees […]

    Westmorland: Damson Day

    The Lyth Valley in Westmorland has been well-known for its Damson production for many generations, and the Damson Day Fair is held to coincide with the flowering of the trees […]

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  • Churches all around the world mark the evening of the Last Supper on Maundy Thursday, when Jesus was betrayed, with special services. At Durham, a dozen invited congregants have their […]

    Durham Judas Cup Ceremony and Stripping of the Altars

    Churches all around the world mark the evening of the Last Supper on Maundy Thursday, when Jesus was betrayed, with special services. At Durham, a dozen invited congregants have their […]

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