Duns Ba’

Where: Duns Market Place
When: Friday of the First Full Week in July (ie the week following the 1st Sunday in the month)
Time: 6.30 pm


The Duns Ba’ is a handball game played in the Market Place on the Friday evening of Reivers Week using flat, round, cushion-like ba’s . Formerly it took place at Shrovetide, the usual time for this type of mass ball game, but in modern times the date was moved to coincide with the town’s annual festival, Reivers Week in July.Play is fast; three ba’s are thrown near the Mercat Cross and the whole thing lasts for just over half-an-hour. The ba’s are thrown by the head of the Hay family or his representative, the Reivers Lass elected for the Festival and the Wynsome Mayde elected from the local school The two teams were traditionally married men v. bachelors, but now the two teams are more randomly chosen from whoever turns up on the day, and are divided those who have their goals outside the Post Office and the White Swan respectively. Expect to wince at some of the tumbles on the pavements!

Helpful Hints

Plenty of parking available around the town but avoid the Market Place area as this is where the game takes place. Stand behind the barriers to avoid getting caught up in the scrum! Flat paved surfaces so easily accessible and clean underfoot. Look out for the boarded up shop windows and the display in the Post Office window.

In 2024 it should be held on Friday 12th July.

Click here for the Festival Facebook page:

Thanks to Daniel Roth for helpful updates!

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