Eaglesham Fair

Where: Eaglesham, Glasgow : Parade from Primary School, Crowning & Fair in Park
When: Saturday in early June
Time: Parade 11am, Crowning 11.30, Bunnet Race 2pm (check link for confirmation of timings)


The historic fair at Eaglesham has been a fixture in the local calendar for over 400 years, and it takes place today every other year. After a brief rest in the mid twentieth century , the fair was revived in 1961 and as well as all the fun you’d expect from any such event, an integral part of the event is the ancient race for a Kilmarnock Bunnet (which is a hat and a traditional part of Highland dress, and may also be spelled Bonnet but the Race here uses the spelling given) . The main day is the Saturday at the beginning of June, but other events take place during a whole week of activities. There’s a Parade, led by the Fair Queen and her attendants with a pipe band, followed by the crowning ceremony, and competitions and sports in the Park. Expect lots of food and craft stalls and children’s activities, music and dance, entertainments and rides, and the Kilmarnock Bunnet race during the afternoon, along with other tests of sporting prowess.

Helpful Hints

In 2024 it should be on Saturday 1st June.

Pre-covid the Fair took place only in odd numbered years; now it’s still held every other year but has shifted to even numbered years having had an enforced year off in 2021, when Fair Day should have been Saturday June 5th but was postponed until June 4th 2022.

Click here for the event Facebook page:https://www.facebook.com/Eaglesham-Fair-1497020113913555/

and website: http://www.eagleshamfair.co.uk/

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