Jedburgh Jethart Callants Festival

Where: Jedburgh, Borders - Rideouts fom Old Bongate
When: Friday in early July
Time: From 8.30 am


Jedburgh Callant

The old name for Jedburgh is Jethart and the Callants Festival is a long celebration marked by several traditional Common Riding and other local events, culminating in Festival Day on the Friday. It dates back to the mid Twentieth century but commemorates events much further back in the history of the town. The first Rideout on the Sunday afternoon commemorates the town’s alliance with Kelso during the troubled times of the Border Reivers; the Callant meets the Kelso Laddie and wreaths are laid at Morebattle War Memorial. The fifth Queen’s Ride follows the route that Mary Queen of Scots took to visit the wounded Earl of Bothwell at Hermitage Castle. On Festival Day itself here is a final Rideout to Ferniehurst Castle with special local songs and music.

Helpful Hints

The festival Southdean Rideout is on the last Saturday in June each year and the other dates are fixed from that point.

In 2024 the Morebattle Rideout should be on 23rd June (always the week before Southdean) with Southdean on Saturday 29th, Reidswire on Saturday July 6th, Queens Ride on Monday July 8th and Festival day on Friday 12th.

The carpark near the Abbey is taken over by a funfair during the festival, and there are some road closures. We managed to park near the Co-op.

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