Where: | Ludham, Norfolk at St Benet's Abbey, approx 2 miles South of Ludham |
When: | Last Sunday in July (formerly early August -see Helpful Hints) |
Time: | 3.30 pm |

The Abbey of St Benet’s was never officially dissolved during the suppression of the monasteries under Henry VIII – the only example of this in the country- and each year an open-air service is held in commemoration and thanksgiving at the ruins. The Bishop of Norfolk is the Abbot and the Vicar of nearby Horning is the Prior of St Benet’s and together they hold an ecumenical service at which all are welcome to attend. The officiating clergy arrive by Norfolk Wherry (the site is easiest approached by river) to meet the Brothers of St Benet’s, members of a variety of local churches and the Salvation Army Band who provide the music. It’s now held usually on the last Sunday in July, but was formerly held on the first Sunday in August.
Helpful Hints
The Abbey is in an unspoiled location on the banks of the River Bure which is isolated and remote. Very limited car parking is available for blue badge holders close to the Cross where the service takes place. The Abbey car park is approx half a mile walk over uneven terrain. Many visitors arrive by boat – moorings are also approx half a mile from the site. The Abbey site is run by the Norfolk Archaeological Trust (see link below) and the event is organised by St Benedict’s Church, Horning .
In 2025 it should be on Sunday 27th July.
Post-covid the event has shifted in date from early August to late July, and it lasts around 45 minutes.
Click here for the Church: https://www.achurchnearyou.com/church/8028/service-and-events/events-oneoff/
The details for the event may be found on the Horning REACH magazine, downloadable from the link above.
Click here for the Norfolk Archaeological Trust’s website : http://www.norfarchtrust.org.uk/stbenets
Photo by niddynoo.
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Will this blessing be occurring this year?
Dear Colin,
Yes I believe it will be going ahead! If you click through on the calendarcustoms article to the church link, one of the available options you can choose from the menu on the left of the page is Horning Reach Magazine (the parish mag). I’ve just had a quick look at the current issue (published in June), and the calendar clearly shows they’re aiming to go ahead on 1st August. If you’re planning on travelling far I’d recommend double-checking very near the date as these are such uncertain times, but with a bit of luck it should be happening.
Hope that helps!
Thanks very much for that. We’re not travelling far, we live in Caister, so we’re pretty close.
No problem- hope it all goes according to plan!
Does the Roman Catholic Church take part in the ceremony?
Hi Paula,
The short answer is I don’t know for sure as I haven’t yet been to the service- I know it’s an ecumenical service and that it’s led by the Anglican Bishop of Norwich, but I’m not sure if there are any Roman Catholics taking part in the running of it though I’d expect at least some as part of the congregation. Sorry I can’t be more help,
Best wishes,