Washington Independence Day

Where: Washington, County Durham at Washington Old Hall on The Avenue
When: 4th July
Time: 11 am


The Old Hall at Washington in County Durham is an ancestral home of the family of the first American president George Washington and each year on 4th July Independence Day is commemorated there. There are readings from the Declaration of Independence, speeches by local dignitaries, performances by children from the nearby schools and of course the raising of the Stars and Stripes flag by a visiting American guest of honour. Visitors are invited to join the singing of the Star Spangled Banner and music is provided by the talented City Swing band.

Helpful Hints

It’s always held on the 4th regardless of the day of the week upon which it falls-check the link below for full details.

The property belongs to the National Trust but there is free entry for all on the day. It takes place on the lawn at the front of the Hall, with seating set out beside the flagpole.

Click here for the website: https://www.nationaltrust.org.uk/washington-old-hall

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